Thank You, Martin Scorsese

I really love movies.  I love movies so much that I sit down and watch them all the time and I always believe that each one is going to be good, even though most of the time I am disappointed.  I still watch another one and believe with all my soul that this one is going to move me in some way.  Sometimes there is a good line or two.  Occasionally I am impressed by the camera work or special effects.  Once in a while there is a surprising twist.  Usually I am entertained, but I am often left unsatisfied.  Maybe that’s why I watch so many movies.  Maybe.  Or maybe it’s because once in a very great while the magic works.  I would like to thank Martin Scorsese and everyone else involved with the creation of Hugo.  Movies like that are a gift to people, like me, who still believe.

Top 10 Movies of All Time

I guess I better get something in here on movies.  Here are my favorites.  Like my list of favorite electric guitar players, these are in no particular order…

  • The Godfather: All three (yep…even part 3).  The movies are based on the novel of the same name by Mario Puzo, who also co-wrote all three screenplays.  I recommend reading any of his books as well.
  • Bladerunner: The “Final Cut” is the best, but I also recommend the original theatrical version, which includes Harrison Ford’s voice-over narration.  Even he thought the narration was lame, but I think it fits the noir style.  Also, the soundtrack by Vangelis is amazing.
  • Star Wars: All six.  People love to make fun of these movies and pick on George Lucas.  Sometimes they are even right, but the amount of time, money and talent that went into these films is stunning and the final product is truly amazing.
  • Rear Window: I am mesmerized every time I watch this one.  I love the intimate feel of the film, which works perfectly with the voyeuristic storyline.  Alfred Hitchcock made so many movies, by the time he passed away he had probably forgotten more about the craft than most filmmakers will ever dream of knowing.
  • Indiana Jones: All four.  This is pure escapism entertainment at its best.  If you’re looking for a realistic portrayal of archaeology, watch the History Channel (disclaimer: programming on the History Channel may or may not be more realistic than these movies, but you get the idea). Who wouldn’t want to spend their time traveling the world, looking for ancient objects that more often than not end up being magical.  Also, you get to carry a pistol and a whip, be a cocky smart ass and kill bad guys, who are always easily recognized as the bad guys.
  • The Big Lebowski: This movie is ridiculously funny. Please watch it.  Then watch it again because it gets funnier every time.  If you watch it and do not think it is funny, I am very sorry…you should stop reading this and seek medical attention.
  • Alien: Sci-fi, horror and suspense directed by Ridley Scott.  The original stands alone as the best of the series.  The atmosphere and pacing of this movie is flawless.  If you like the look of it check out the artist who designed the alien species and a number of other elements, H.R. Giger.  The second one, directed by James Cameron, is not bad, but Bill Paxton’s character is so unbelievably annoying that I can no longer watch it.  The third one, directed by David Fincher, is populated with interesting characters and is closer to the pacing and tone of the original.  The fourth one, based on a screenplay by Joss Whedon, is…interesting.
  • Lord of the Rings: All three.  The translation from print to screen of this beloved series is nothing short of amazing.  The story is engrossing from start to finish.  The groundbreaking special effects, particularly the creation of Gollum and the integration of this wholly animated character into the live action, are so perfectly realized that you can simply get lost in the magic that is Middle Earth.
  • The Dark Knight: A perfect storm that is not likely to be duplicated any time soon.  This amazingly entertaining movie brings together a number of people at the top of their games.  Heath Ledger as the Joker, Christopher Nolan writing and directing and music by Hans Zimmer, to name a few.
  • Gladiator: One more from Ridley Scott.  The story is thrilling and the acting is top-notch, but the reason this one makes my list is because I cry at the end every time.  Keep that little tidbit to yourself, if you wouldn’t mind.  Also, I love the battle sequence at the beginning and again, the score is flawless.  Who could be the composer here?  Oh…Hans Zimmer.  Very nice.

Well, that’s ten.  Actually, it’s technically 25, but hey, it’s my blog.  I love movies and could talk about them forever…I think I almost did.  Thanks for hanging on to the very end.  You get a special prize.
